How Can Chiropractic Help Fibromyalgia

How Can Chiropractic Help Fibromyalgia

On May 12, 2015, we here at Optimal Health Chiropractic and Massage Clinic will join the National Fibromyalgia and Chronic Pain Association in recognizing National Fibromyalgia Day. More than 5 million adults in the U.S. suffer with fibromyalgia and the debilitating pain it causes throughout the body. However, its somewhat vague symptoms make it difficult to diagnose. Perhaps that is why the average person goes more than four years before receiving an accurate diagnosis. Our goal is to highlight the prevalence of fibromyalgia and encourage symptomatic individuals to visit a Chiropractor in Edmonds for a complete consultation.

The symptoms of fibromyalgia typically include a minimum of three months with widespread pain in all four quadrants of the body. The condition is also characterized by ‘tender points’ located at specific points on the body – especially in clusters around the neck, chest and joints. In addition, fibromyalgia can cause fatigue, irritable bowel syndrome, stiff joints, and dizziness among other symptoms.  

How Edmonds Chiropractic Clinic Can Treat Your Fibromyalgia

The exact cause of fibromyalgia is not known, it has been linked to repetitive stress injuries and traumatic injuries such as those sustained in a car accident. Patients consistently rank chiropractic treatment as one of the most effective therapeutic treatments available for fibromyalgia pain relief, especially when combined with other natural therapies and lifestyle changes, such as massage, corrective exercises and dietary changes. These treatments can improve flexibility, boost immunity and reduce stress, resulting in significant symptomatic relief.

If you or someone you know has been diagnosed with fibromyalgia or is experiencing symptoms of the condition, we encourage you to contact Edmonds Chiropractic Clinic or call into our Doctor Hotline more information and answers for any questions you may have. For years, our team has been helping patients find relief from chronic pain caused by this disease.

Do you know someone with fibromyalgia? If so, have they visited a chiropractor for treatment?

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