What Makes Chiropractic Work?

What Makes Chiropractic Work?

Chiropractic care is a non-invasive, conservative approach to pain management and injury rehabilitation. Nearly every individual will experience an episode of back pain or neck pain in their lifetimes. For some, this pain will go away naturally. For millions of other Americans, however, this pain won’t simply “get better” with time – it may even get worse.

If you are one of these Americans struggling with chronic pain, chiropractic care can make a difference for your health. 3 Things to Know About Chiropractic Care If you’re new to chiropractic care, it’s natural to have questions about how chiropractic care works and whether these treatments are the right option for your pain management needs. Below, our chiropractor explains the basics of chiropractic care, including how it works and what to expect during treatment.

#1: Correct the underlying cause for pain. The spine is the body’s foundation. When the spine is out of alignment, the misaligned vertebra may compress or pinch nearby nerves, triggering pain. Chiropractic adjustments help to correct this misalignment by relieving pressure on the nerves. There are many different types of adjustment styles; our chiropractor works closely with each patient to identify the right adjustment styles for your pain management needs.

#2: Protect our body’s mobility. As we grow older, many of us experience reduced mobility due to natural aging and wear and tear on the joints. Osteoarthritis, for example, is a common joint disorder that causes progressive deterioration of the cartilage. While chiropractic care cannot “cure” this condition, adjustments do support proper joint and nerve function.

#3: Reduce or eliminate the need for medication. Many of our patients are concerned that the only treatment option for their pain is to rely on prescription painkillers. While these drugs do provide pain relief, it is only temporary; once the medication wears off, the pain returns. Surgery is also a risky and can lead to more pain after the procedure rather than before. Chiropractic adjustments are different because they address the root cause for pain for long-term relief.

Do you have a question about how chiropractic care works? Call us today and we'll be happy to answer your questions!

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