Can My Chiropractor Help My Fitness?

Can My Chiropractor Help My Fitness?

By combining chiropractic techniques with therapeutic exercises meant to repair sprains, strains and tears attributed to sports injuries, Dr. Marshall-Inman accelerates healing of sports injuries, increases the flow of oxygenated blood to damaged tissues and promotes new cell formation to help elevate your fitness level. Chiropractic therapy for people who engage in regularly sports-related activities also encompasses procedures such as spine and joint manipulation, electrical muscle stimulation and therapeutic massage to strengthen and protect the musculoskeletal system against future injuries.

How Chiropractic Techniques Benefit an Athlete's Overall Health

Not only is receiving chiropractic treatment following an injury necessary for relieving pain and boosting activity of your body's natural healing processes, it is also an important aspect of maintaining your fitness level. Your chiropractor knows how to manipulate joint ligaments and muscles to help keep them as healthy and supple as possible while quickening your recovery after a sporting event or workout. Incorporating chiropractic care into your exercise routine may also prevent injuries common to those involved in rigorous sports such as wrestling, football, or hockey. In addition, your chiropractor will ensure your spine is healthy and aligned by performing chiropractic manipulation procedures that address spinal subluxation issues. Untreated misalignment of the spine affects functioning of the central nervous system that can produce a host of health problems including chronic headaches, fatigue and impaired coordination.

When a Sports Injury Requires Surgery

Post-operative, physical therapy exercises recommended by Dr. Marshall-Inman may include spinal rotations, shoulder rotations, deltoid raises, neck extensions and neck flexion. These exercises are intended to address recovery needs involving musculoskeletal surgeries. While knee, back and elbow surgeries require rest and elevation following surgery, it is also imperative that patients begin moving and flexing these joints as soon as it is safe to begin physical therapy. Dr. Marshall-Inman offers advanced knowledge of select exercises and therapeutic treatments that are appropriate for post-operative recovery of musculoskeletal surgeries.

If you are an athlete who wants to avoid injuries and increase your fitness level, contact our chiropractic clinic today to discuss your health needs with Dr. Marshall-Inman

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