Preventing Back Pain on the Road This Thanksgiving 2017

Preventing Back Pain on the Road This Thanksgiving 2017 


Thanksgiving 2017 is right around the corner -- but Grandma's house may be quite a bit farther away than that. If you dread long holiday trips, it may because your back always acts up long before you reach your destination. An agonizingly painful back from traveling need not stem from an auto injury or other acute trauma. Sitting in a car, train or airplane for many hours at a time simply isn't a natural thing to do. It's a problem even for a healthy musculoskeletal system, while a body coping with a spinal misalignment, excess weight or other issues may find it a tremendous challenge. Here are some helpful tips for preventing back pain from our Edmonds chiropractor at Optimal Health Chiropractic and Massage.

  • Choose the right transportation for the job - If you have any choice at all in your vehicle or manner of travel, give the matter careful thought. The most intuitive option isn't always the wisest one for your back. For instance, a plane ride may get you where you're going in much less total travel time, but a car trip gives you the luxury of stopping and resting whenever you need to. Think about your choice of car as well. A bouncy Jeep or rough-riding pickup truck may play havoc with your back, while a car with very low-slung bucket seats may provide inadequate back support.
  • Take care with luggage - Even small pieces of luggage can cause low back pain and muscular strain, while the biggest items can leave you with a herniated disc if you're not careful. Do your spine a favor by packing only the essentials -- things you can't just as easily stock up on at your destination. It's probably also time to invest in a wheeled carrier or wheeled luggage so you can simply pull your belonging instead of carrying them. If you must engage in heavy lifting, lift from the knees and straight upward, with no twisting of the spine.
  • Use supportive or therapeutic accessories - A few handy, well-considered "props" can help ensure a more comfortable back for your Thanksgiving journey. Look for cervical or lumbar pillows that can add the extra support your car or plane seat doesn't. Throw some ice packs into your cooler and/or pack a heating pad to ease soft tissue pain.
  • Be kind to your feet - Long hours of standing in airport terminals can be hard on your lower back, especially if your arch support isn't what it should be. Wear sensible shoes with plenty of internal cushion. Orthotic insoles are another option if you need extra support to correct an imbalance.
  • Work your body - Plan regular rest breaks during your trip so you can stand up, move around, stretch out your back, and generally get your blood flowing. This can relieve, reduce, or even prevent pain and inflammation. If you're flying, take the opportunity to get up and move around the cabin as soon or as often as you're permitted to do so.
  • Get a pre-trip spinal checkup - Small, undetected alignment, postural issues, or old scar tissue from a previous auto injury can suddenly announce their presence all too clearly while you're on the road. If you know you have back problems, play it smart and schedule a pre-trip spinal and postural screening with our Edmonds chiropractor, Dr. Marshall-Inman. We can catch those little problems and correct them so your spine is in optimal condition before you set out. We can also advise you on how to stay aware of your posture at all times. This will keep you from inadvertently slumping or stooping your way into a needlessly painful Thanksgiving weekend.

Our Edmonds Chiropractor Can Help You Keep Back Pain at Bay

Don't let back pain interfere with your enjoyment of the Thanksgiving 2017 holiday. Call Optimal Health Chiropractic and Massage at 425-361-1839 to schedule a checkup and receive more helpful travel tips. We'll give you something to be truly thankful for -- a healthier, more comfortable back!

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